CA Alt Fuel Investments Leaning Toward Biofuel, Hydrogen, NGVs


The California Energy Commission has presented the latest iteration of updates to the state's investment plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, reflecting an emphasis on funding to heavily support biofuels and hydrogen-refueling development, as well as natural gas refueling infrastructure.

The report notes that the first category of funding is a $20 million allocation toward in-state biofuels production, saying that ‘these alternative fuels represent an immediate opportunity for reducing carbon emissions because they can already be used in more than 97 percent of California's existing vehicle stock.’

Second to biofuel projects is investment in refueling infrastructure for zero- and low-emission vehicles, with an emphasis on hydrogen fueling projects ($20 million). Another $15 million would support the installation of additional charging infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles.

The investment plan update would also reserve $1.5 million for natural gas refueling stations, with school districts and public transit districts being the main targets for funding assistance.

In addition to support for alternative fuel supply and infrastructure, the plan would also provide $10 million in funding for incentives aimed at helping fleets convert to medium- and heavy-duty natural gas vehicles.

The commission will be considering the plan updates during its business meeting later this month. More details are available here.

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