Bus Fleets In European Cities Will Incorporate Fuel Cell Vehicles


Ballard Power Systems says it has signed an equipment supply agreement with Van Hool NV, Europe's fourth largest bus manufacturer, for 21 of the company's FCvelocityHD6 fuel-cell power modules.

The modules will power buses that will be deployed in several European cities, which will be named following completion of the contracts between Van Hool and public transit authorities in these cities. Vendre une voiture accidentée sans controle technique, rachat voiture hs. It is expected that the majority of the modules will be shipped in 2012.

Van Hool is a Belgium-based independent bus, coach and industrial vehicle OEM that has engineered and produced five hybrid fuel cell buses using Ballard power modules for deployment in Oslo, Norway.

Ballard's latest FCvelocityHD6 module features a control unit that interfaces with a system controller to deliver a plug-and-play product for any fuel cell or hybrid fuel cell bus platform, the company says.

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