Bosch, Daimler Eye Autonomous Urban Driving


Global auto OEM Daimler and industry supplier Bosch have inked an agreement to co-develop automated, driverless systems that will be ready for production by the early 2020s.

The companies say they will “develop software and algorithms for an autonomous driving system” that will function in urban spaces.

“Bosch and Daimler aim to improve the flow of traffic in cities, enhance safety on the road and provide an important building block for the way traffic will work in the future,” the organizations said in a press release.

“The idea behind it is that the vehicle should come to the driver rather than the other way around. Within a specified area of town, costumers will be able to order an automated shared car via their smartphone. The vehicle will then make its way autonomously to the user, and the onward journey can commence.”

Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz brand is already in the midst of building out its “CASE” initiative, which focuses on connectivity (Connected), autonomous driving (Autonomous), flexible use (Shared and Services) and electric drive systems (Electric).

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