Alt-Fuel Trade Groups Call on Congress to Support Clean Cities Program


Trade associations representing the U.S.' alternative fuel and vehicle industries have issued a joint letter calling on federal lawmakers to further support the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Clean Cities program with adequate funding.

The letter, addressed to the leaders of the U.S. Senate and House Energy & Water Appropriations Subcommittees, was signed by NGVAmerica, the Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), the National Biodiesel Board (NBB), Growth Energy – America's Ethanol Supporters, and the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA).

The groups say the letter supports the request of the U.S.' nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions and their 14,000 stakeholders to ensure enough funding for the Clean Cities alternative fuel deployment program is included in the FY 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations bill. Specifically, the letter requests $50 million is allocated to the Clean Cities program for alternative fuel deployment activities, including $25 million in competitive grants.

Earlier this week, at the Energy Independence Summit (EIS) 2015 in Washington, D.C., more than 40 Clean Cities coordinators and 100 industry leaders visited House and Senate offices.

“This year, we have a unique opportunity to educate the new congressional leadership on the Clean Cities program and the role of alternative fuels and infrastructure in general,” said Sam Spofforth, president of the event's organizer, Transportation Energy Partners.

“The U.S. DOE Clean Cities program is instrumental in the deployment of natural gas and other advanced fuel vehicles across the country,” said NGVAmerica President Matthew Godlewski. “NGVAmerica will continue to work with Congress to ensure Clean Cities and other initiatives receive the necessary funding for our country to more fully realize the many policy benefits of using low-cost, clean and domestic natural gas.”

“Partners in the Clean Cities program are essential to the effort to advance electric mobility and other advanced transportation options in the United States,” added Genevieve Cullen, interim president of the Electric Drive Transportation Association. “With a direct link to local stakeholders, we can maximize our resources by tailoring technology deployments to meet the unique needs of each region.”

“The National Propane Gas Association is pleased to work with other alternative fuel advocates and with the Clean Cities coalition to place more environmentally friendly vehicles on the road,” stated Richard Roldan, NPGA president and CEO.

“Clean Cities Coalitions across the country pay huge dividends in promoting and supporting the development of alternative energy,” said Anne Steckel, NBB vice president of federal affairs. “They are helping industries like biodiesel grow, create jobs, reduce harmful emissions and lessen our dangerous dependence on oil.”

The joint letter is available here.

For more coverage of other policies addressed at EIS2015, check out “Alternative Fuels: What's Going on in Washington?” by clicking here.

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