Alliance AutoGas Welcomes Propane Vehicle Conversion Partner in Midwest


Premier Cooperative, a propane dealer based in Mt. Horeb, Wis., has joined the Alliance AutoGas network in order to grow the area's market for propane autogas vehicle conversions.

‘Since 1893, Premier has been providing new and innovative solutions for our members' needs,’ says Andy Fiene, CEO of Premier Cooperative. ‘The addition of autogas to our wide selection of products and services gives our members a great opportunity to utilize domestic energy while saving money on their fleet costs.’

Premier Cooperative will be coordinating propane vehicle conversions that use direct-injection autogas systems from Prins. Alliance AutoGas is the authorized U.S distribution partner for Prins' systems. The organization, which has more than 90 member companies and conversion centers throughout North America, also facilitates the installation of on-site autogas refueling equipment.

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