Alliance AutoGas Says System Sales Were Up in 2015


Alliance AutoGas says that 2015 showed extremely positive results, with a substantial upswing in system sales, low emissions nozzle adoption and number of gallons of gasoline displaced. Specifically, 45 million gallons of gasoline were displaced by propane in 2015, producing $54 million in fuel cost savings for the 460 fleets Alliance AutoGas services.

“The Alliance-engineered equipment segment experienced a 44% increase in overall sales in 2015,” says Ed Hoffman, president of Blossman Services Inc. “This growth is fueled by many variables, including vehicle platform focus and our world-class Plug & Play engine conversion system design.”

“Our sales growth can also be linked back to product design,” adds Hoffman. Alliance’s simplified wiring and autogas injection technologies are designed to be installed without any cutting, drilling or fabrication, according to Alliance AutoGas, and the system does not require any permanent vehicle modifications. These newer systems can be installed in six hours or less, says Alliance AutoGas, and newer systems show an even lower warranty incident rate.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center, there are 2,700 propane autogas fueling stations in the U.S. alone – in addition to the Alliance’s 460 fleet locations.

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