Air Liquide Vehicle Fleet Gets First Hydrogen-Powered Sedan


Hydrogen supply-chain company Air Liquide has acquired the first hydrogen-powered Toyota Mirai, delivered in France.

According to the company, the keys of the Mirai were handed over at the Air Liquide hydrogen charging station in Paris, Cours Albert Ier, in the Pont de l’Alma parking lot.

Officially launched in Japan in December 2014 and then introduced in the U.S. in fall 2015, the Toyota Mirai has been available in limited quantities across Europe since late 2015. In France, few units will be delivered in 2016 to partners working on the deployment of hydrogen.

Used with a fuel cell, hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, with water as the only byproduct.

The station rolled out in Paris in 2015, like the 75 stations designed and delivered by Air Liquide globally, and allows hydrogen-powered electric vehicles to recharge in less than five minutes, giving them a driving range of around 310 miles.

Air Liquide handles the entire hydrogen supply chain, from production and storage to distribution and the development of applications for end users, aiming to encourage widespread use of hydrogen as a clean energy source, for mobility in particular.

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