ZEV Enters EV Market with Unveiling of Passenger Vehicle Chassis


Zero Electric Vehicles Inc. (ZEV) has debuted its electrified rolling passenger vehicle chassis, with energy capture technologies to maximize vehicle range. ZEV’s engineering team has constructed functional prototypes of energy capture devices – coupled with an advanced drivetrain control system – and incorporated them on the new chassis. 

Range improvements have lagged many of the forthcoming enhancements to EVs, fueling the ZEV team to deliver technologies that focus on providing more sustainable solutions to an evolving market. The unveiling of the company’s new chassis is the first phase of a series of key demonstrations in 2021 – leading to the delivery of the company’s concept vehicle, the Trident.

“Our ZEV family has been in non-stop execution mode to provide real substance to a market that requires fundamental change and innovation,” says Carolyn Maury, CEO of ZEV. “Our team is determined to deliver on our technical maturation roadmap and provide the most optimized product we can for our customers and shareholders. Every step we take is positioned towards the creation and advancement of an EV 2.0 product, we hold ourselves to the highest standard to earn the trust of our customers and partners in a market that requires authenticity.”

ZEV’s adaptive platform allows for an expansion of customers and partners, showcased on the passenger vehicle chassis, and provides an open runway towards road testing in early Q1 – during which live testing of multi-vehicle configurations will be demonstrated to assess the chassis’ range and performance. 

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