Xpress Natural Gas to Build CNG Fueling Station in Pennsylvania County


Xpress Natural Gas LLC (XNG), which delivers compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquid natural gas to customers throughout the U.S. and eastern Canada through its network of virtual pipelines, plans to construct a commercial CNG fueling station in Susquehanna County, Pa.

Designed to fuel up to 100 trailers daily that the company uses to deliver CNG to customers across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, a 130,000-square-foot fueling station will be constructed by XNG on 20 acres of land in Forest Lake Township, Susquehanna County.

As reported, the company will invest $18,620,000 in this first phase, which includes the land purchase and construction and infrastructure costs for the station. Accordingly, XNG has committed to the creation of 88 new, full-time jobs over the next three years.

“Pennsylvania’s abundant natural resources and dedicated workforce have been, and will continue to be, major factors in attracting new business,” says Gov. Tom Wolf. “We welcome businesses like Xpress Natural Gas that recognize the advantages that can only be found in Pennsylvania, and we extend our gratitude for the jobs they are creating and the ongoing economic stimulus that this project will provide.”

XNG received a funding proposal from the Department of Community and Economic Development that includes $176,000 in Job Creation Tax Credits to be distributed upon creation of the new jobs and $11,050 in WEDnetPA funding for employee training.

The project was coordinated by the Governor’s Action Team, an experienced group of economic development professionals who report directly to the governor and work with businesses that are considering locating or expanding in Pennsylvania, in collaboration with the Central Bradford Progress Authority.

“We are very excited and supportive of Xpress Natural Gas’ business development in Susquehanna County. The company represents the vertical integration of the prolific Marcellus Shale natural gas resource in northeast Pennsylvania,” says Anthony Ventello, executive director of the Central Bradford Progress Authority. “The investment being made by Xpress Natural Gas in a compressed natural gas terminal and the jobs it will create along the Route 81 corridor creates a virtual pipeline to move low-cost, clean-burning natural gas throughout the region and beyond. This value-added effort will both stimulate development and lead to economic benefit in our region.”

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Sherry Linden
Sherry Linden
8 years ago

I am very interested in applying for a job in your Forest Lake construction area but couldn’t find an application site. If you are taking applications at this time I would like to apply. If you could Email any information I would greatly appreciate your time. Thank you & have a great day Sincerely Sherry Linden