Workhorse Group Completes FMVSS Testing on All-Electric Delivery Vans


Workhorse Group Inc., a U.S.-based technology company focused on providing sustainable and cost-effective electric vehicles to the last-mile delivery sector, has successfully completed Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) testing for its C650 and C1000 all-electric delivery vans.

FMVSS testing for both the models had been delayed by complications related to the COVID-19 pandemic. With facilities and supporting manpower restored, the testing was recently completed.

“The successful completion of our FMVSS testing confirms that the design, construction, performance and durability of our all-electric 650 and 1000 cubic foot C-Series delivery vans meet federal requirements, making Workhorse the only American all-electric OEM designing and manufacturing last-mile delivery vehicles to complete this testing,” says Duane Hughes, CEO of Workhorse Group.

“With this late-stage milestone certification now behind us, we remain well-positioned to execute on our production timeline for the remainder of the year,” he adds.

The overall FMVSS testing process consists of a multitude of high-level, significant reviews and required approvals for vehicle safety, including seat belt efficacy and additional seating safety and braking system standards, among other areas.

Photo: Workhorse Group’s C Series web page

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