Volta Trucks, DPD Pilot the Volta Zero All-Electric Delivery Truck


Volta Trucks, a Scandinavian all-electric vehicle manufacturer, says it will soon begin a pilot test of its forthcoming Volta Zero with DPD, a U.K.-based parcel delivery service. The Volta Zero will be tested by DPD within London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone in the first quarter of 2021, supporting their micro-depot strategy in Westminster.

The Volta Zero is a purpose-built all-electric 16-ton vehicle designed for inner-city freight deliveries, reducing the environmental impact of freight deliveries in city centers. Designed from the ground up with an operating pure-electric range of 95-125 miles, the Volta Zero will offer a clean, environmentally-friendly solution for parcel deliveries.  

Thanks to the removal of the internal combustion engine, the operator of a Volta Zero sits in a central driving position, with a much lower seat height than a conventional truck. This combination, plus a glass house-style cab design, gives the driver a wide 220-degrees of visibility, minimizing dangerous blind spots.

“As the world’s first purpose-built all-electric large commercial vehicle, the Volta Zero was specifically designed to deliver parcels and freight in inner-city locations where today’s air quality and noise pollution challenges are at their worst. The Volta Zero’s all-electric, zero-emission operation is suited to DPD’s distribution requirements within London’s strict Ultra Low Emission Zone, delivering parcels to customers in a clean and efficient way,” says Rob Fowler, CEO of Volta Trucks.

“The Volta Zero is also much safer for the city’s pedestrians and other road users than other large goods vehicles, thanks to the unique design of the cab that offers the driver significantly enhanced visibility. Its all-electric drivetrain also offers near-silent operation, meaning DPD will be able to utilize the Volta Zero in the center of London in an efficient 24- hour operation,” he adds.

The first prototype of the Volta Zero is currently being built and will be launched later in the year, with the first pilot test vehicles due to start evaluation with customers in the first quarter of 2021.

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