Propane Engine Fuel Summit Set for Late March in Texas


TSN Communications says it will be presenting the fourth annual Propane Engine Fuel Summit on March 27 in Irving, Texas – an event that can be attended in person or viewed live via free online webcast courtesy of the North Central Texas Council of Governments.

The summit, which kicks off the 5th Annual Texas Alternative Energy & Transportation Conference & Expo, will include panel sessions of industry experts discussing propane autogas fleet conversions, autogas vehicle technologies and other topics. Joe Thompson, president of ROUSH CleanTech, is a keynote speaker, and other participants include the Propane Education & Resource Council, CleanFUEL USA and the Industrial Truck Association.

‘The leaders in the propane industry have a wealth of new knowledge to share about our rapidly advancing industry,’ Thompson says. ‘This domestic resource supports job creation, economic growth and energy security nationwide – all while providing both economical and environmental advantages.’

For more information about the summit, click here.

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