Oncor, Ford Electric Focusing On North Texas Electric-Vehicle Market


Ford Motor Co. and investor-owned utility Oncor are working together to develop consumer outreach and education programs about electric vehicles, as well as to assess how these vehicles will affect the electrical grid in northern Texas.

‘To support the rollout and acceptance of these vehicles, it is crucial to work with local utilities, like Oncor, to make sure the necessary infrastructure is ready,’ says Nancy Gioia, Ford's global director of electrification.

‘Oncor's investment in new infrastructure, from smart meters to [transmission] lines, makes Texas the best place in the world for plug-in electric cars,’ adds Bob Shapard, CEO of Oncor.

Ford, which is engaged in similar relationships with Texas utilities CenterPoint and Austin Energy, says it plans to introduce five electric/hybrid vehicles into the North American market in the next two years.

SOURCE: Ford Motor Co.

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