Nonprofit CALSTART Announces Board Changes


CALSTART, a clean-transportation nonprofit with more than 150 member companies, has elected new officers and added more executives to its board of directors.

Michael Britt, director of maintenance and engineering international operations of the ground fleet at UPS, was recently elected board chair. He replaces George Survant Sr., fleet director for Time Warner Cable, who served as CALSTART chair for more than two years. Another new officer, Chris Stoddart of New Flyer Industries, has replaced Puon Penn of Wells Fargo as vice chair.

“George Survant and Puon Penn, as chair and vice chair, did a great job of leading CALSTART over the past two-plus years. They provided important strategic and financial counsel that has resulted in the organization being in a much stronger position,” states CALSTART President and CEO John Boesel.

Furthermore, CALSTART has added Pasquale Romano, president and CEO at electric vehicle charging network company ChargePoint, and Frank De Rosa, principal of advanced solutions at renewable energy development company SunEdison, to its board.

Britt says, “These two industry leaders will help CALSTART plan and develop the electric vehicle/grid/solar power value proposition. The opportunity in this space is significant, and we are fortunate to have Pasquale and Frank join our board at this time.” Â

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