NGVi Training Coming to North Carolina


The Natural Gas Vehicle Institute (NGVi) is hosting two training seminars for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles in Charlotte, N.C. from Jan. 28-30.

The one-day NGV Technician & Fleet Operations Safety Training course will convene on Jan. 28. This introductory course will give attendees information about NGV maintenance practices, fueling procedures and operation. Students will also learn about CNG fueling station equipment and the associated safety apparatus, as well as hear about emergency action plans and procedures.

CNG Fuel System Inspector Training, a two-day offering, will be held Jan. 29-30. This training is designed to give attendees techniques for inspecting CNG fuel systems, including on-board CNG fuel storage cylinders.

For more information, call (800) 510-6484, or click here to register.

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