NGVAmerica Applauds Rick Perry Nomination for Energy Secretary


Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica), the key trade association for the NGV and natural gas refueling industries, has announced its support for Rick Perry, the former Gov. of Texas, to be named the next Secretary of Energy.

The association says Perry is a leader in domestic energy production and job creation, stating that he has fostered an era of greater energy independence in Texas.

“Governor Rick Perry is a strong choice to serve as our next Secretary of Energy,” says Matthew Godlewski, president of NGVAmerica. “He understands the potential of America’s domestic energy resources and the many benefits of using more clean-burning natural gas in transportation. NGVAmerica looks forward to collaborating with Governor Perry on smart policies in building an energy plan for America’s future.”

NGVAmerica represents more than 230 companies, environmental groups and government organizations interested in the promotion and use of natural gas and biomethane as transportation fuels. Member companies include those that produce, distribute and market natural gas and biomethane across the country; manufacture and service natural gas vehicles, engines and equipment; and operate fleets powered by clean-burning gaseous fuels.

Leaders from Clean Energy Fuels have also extended their support to Perry: Clean Energy Board Member John S. Herrington, a former U.S. secretary of energy during the Reagan administration, and Clean Energy CEO and President Andrew J. Littlefair gave their endorsement last week.

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