Multi-Sector Businesses, Groups Sign Landmark ‘Transportation Electrification Accord’


Fortune 100 companies, including automakers and utilities, have joined labor groups, consumer advocates, environmental organizations and others to sign the Transportation Electrification Accord, a roadmap to support a shared vision for electrifying transportation.

Participants include General Motors, Honda, Proterra, Exelon, National Grid, PG&E, Siemens, the Alliance for Transportation Electrification, Consumer Federation of America, Ceres, Forth, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Plug In America, the Sierra Club and many more. They are committing to support the evolution of electric mobility and the development of programs to accelerate it – while stimulating innovation and competition in the marketplace.

“We envision a world with zero emissions,” says Britta Gross, director of General Motors’ advanced vehicle commercialization policy. “That’s the future, and the accord lays out the essential building blocks for a compelling energy infrastructure that we can all rely on for decades to come. Innovations in transportation electrification will benefit society as a whole – and cross-industry, multi-stakeholder cooperation is key.”

The accord outlines how transportation electrification can be advanced by policymakers, public utility commissions, and local and state governments in a manner that benefits utility customers and all forms of transportation.

“Making the transition to an electrified transportation future requires long-term policy certainty,” says Chris King, chief policy officer of Siemens Digital Grid. “Certainty in the marketplace provides a signal to businesses to invest, thereby driving innovation and jobs. We believe the accord provides foundational directions that will inspire policymakers.”

Other groups representing non-governmental organizations and businesses are invited to sign the accord and to use it for policy design, education and outreach.

More on the accord can be found here.

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