Loop Energy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Racking Up In-Service Mileage


Loop Energy, a developer and manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell-based solutions, says the pilot transit bus fleet of Skywell New Energy Vehicles Group in Nanjing, China, has now been fully operational for 45 days and has already accumulated 75,000 km of in-service operations.

Through its China-based joint venture partner Beijing IN-Power, Loop Energy fulfilled a 10-unit order of the company’s proprietary eFlow fuel cell modules this spring, for integration by Skywell.

“As we progress toward large-scale commercial deployment of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in China, these impressive operational results demonstrate Skywell’s expertise, Loop’s product maturity and the market’s accelerating adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technology,” says Ben Nyland, president and CEO of Loop Energy. “We are very pleased to see the strong results of our eFlow technology on the road.”

“This pilot fleet deployment has gone exceptionally well and is setting the stage for continued success between Loop Energy and IN-Power as we continue to collaborate with Skywell to advance the fuel cell market in China,” adds John Zhang, founder and president of IN-Power.

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