Hyundai Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Make Debut in U.K.


Hyundai Motor Co. has delivered the first five of its ix35 hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles as a part of the London Hydrogen Network Expansion project.

The company says the ix35 is the world's first full-production hydrogen-powered vehicle. Based on the ix35 compact SUV, this fuel cell vehicle is equipped with a 100 kW fuel cell stack and two hydrogen storage tanks, with a total capacity of about 12.5 pounds. This amount of on-board storage yields a range of approximately 370 miles on a single refueling. The vehicle's maximum speed is about 100 mph.

Hyundai says it plans to manufacture 1,000 units of the hydrogen-powered ix35 by 2015 – most of which will be delivered to public-sector and private fleets. The company has already signed contracts to lease the ix35 fuel cell vehicle to municipal fleets in Denmark and Sweden.

The company adds that the vehicle can be refueled in two to three minutes.

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