How the State of Florida Has Fared from its New NGV Incentives


The Florida Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition (FNGVC) says the state's recently created natural gas vehicle incentive program has produced a total of 1,820 jobs and $68 million in wages since it went into effect at the beginning of the year.

Since Jan. 1, the state of Florida has spent $4.7 million in rebates issued under the Natural Gas Fuel Fleet Vehicle Rebate program. Using the RIMS II multipliers established by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the state's $4.7 million investment has generated a total economic output of $204.5 million.

Economist Hank Fishkind of Fishkind & Associates supplied the figures for this follow-up analysis of a 2012 report his firm conducted for the coalition.

The report notes that a compressed natural gas (CNG) station costs, on average, $1.5 million – meaning investment in CNG station infrastructure has been $91.5 million over the past two years.

“Natural gas has been a game changer for Florida and the United States, not only for motor vehicles but for the energy sector, commercial businesses and the manufacturing industry,” comments Sen. Wilton Simpson. “I'm proud to have sponsored this legislation in the Florida Senate.”

Prior to the legislation, there were 18 CNG stations in Florida. There are now 61 active CNG fueling stations, with an additional 29 planned – a 238% increase in CNG fueling stations over two years, according to the report.

State Rep. Lake Ray, who has taken up the issue of Florida's energy and ports in the State House, urged the adoption of natural gas vehicle incentives, the report notes.

“It is exciting to see the Florida Natural Fuel Gas Vehicle Rebate program working so well,” says Rep. Ray. “The fleets in my legislative district, Jacksonville, and its surrounding area have begun the transition to the clean-burning American natural gas. We have Champion Brands, a beer distributor, UPS, Raven Trucking, taxis, a seafood wholesaler, local government and the Jacksonville Transit Authority making the move.”

The FNGVC includes food and beverage distributors, natural gas fueling station builders, public utilities and others.

The Fishkind and Associates study can be found here.

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