Get Ready for Wave 2 of HVIP Funding Requests


Wave 2 of funding requests for the California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) kicks off at 10 a.m. Pacific on Tues., August 10.

The entire $84 million available in wave 1 was requested within three hours of opening on June 8, representing more than 800 vehicle vouchers.

A purchase order or other sales agreement that was eligible at the time of the initial opening will remain eligible throughout the program year, and the pause does not affect this eligibility. Class 8 trucks performing drayage operations, as well as any vehicles purchased by a public government entity, are exempt from the pause, and dealers can continue to request these vouchers.

The Voucher Processing Center’s evaluation of voucher requests submitted is ongoing, including ensuring consistency with the rules of the HVIP Implementation Manual. Also, the California Air Resources Board is evaluating requests by some manufacturers to exceed the limit of 100 cumulative unredeemed vouchers.

After the evaluation of vouchers submitted earlier this month is complete and $84 million in vouchers have been funded, remaining voucher requests for non-drayage private-entity purchasers submitted after initial funding was completely requested on June 8 will remain on a contingency list until July 30, at which point any unfunded requests for non-drayage private-entity purchasers will be deleted. The contingency list will be used to fill in for any canceled vouchers. Requests for public-entity purchasers and drayage are not affected.

During the pause period, dealers requesting vouchers for public-entity purchasers and drayage can continue to create vouchers in the online Voucher Processing Center. When wave 2 opens on Aug. 10, all dealers will resume using the same VPC instructions followed on June 8.

Any draft vouchers in a dealer’s online Voucher Processing Center account for non-drayage purchases by private entities will be deleted on August 6. Dealers are welcome to create drafts to practice the process, however, no drafts will remain in the queue for vouchers when requests re-open on Aug. 10.

Dealers who were not able to be approved before wave 1 will be contacted starting July 8, in the order that they expressed interest. If you would like to become an approved dealer and have not expressed interest, contact the dealer trainer before July 16, and you will be trained in time to participate in wave 2. Dealers who have remaining questions should contact to ensure their seamless participation.

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