Electric Truck Maker Orange EV Expanding Operations


Orange EV, a terminal truck manufacturer based in Kansas City, Mo., has announced expansion of the company to meet growing demand for its electric vehicles.

Driven by increased orders for its T-Series electric terminal truck, the company will more than double, with up to 15 people filling production and business management roles by the end of 2015. To accommodate the growth, Orange EV is also moving to a larger facility.

The T-Series is a retrofit solution whereby Orange EV converts existing diesel-powered terminal trucks to pure electric, replacing the powertrain and control systems while refurbishing the rest of the truck to like-new condition. This conversion approach recycles and reuses the chassis and other durable components, eliminating waste and extending the life of the truck, the company says.

Orange EV also announced a $150,000 investment by Missouri Technology Corp. (MTC), a public-private partnership created by the Missouri General Assembly to promote entrepreneurship.

“The matching equity investment from MTC, as part of our current round of fundraising, helps us provide additional near-term production capacity as our customers ramp up use of our electric trucks,” says Wayne Mathisen, CEO of Orange EV. “Our company is already bringing new technology jobs to the state of Missouri, and we're looking forward to continued growth.”Â

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