E-Book Discusses Seven Steps to Spur NGV Adoption


Western Research Institute has published a new e-book entitled ‘Recommendations: The Fight Over Using Natural Gas for Transportation’ that proposes seven strategies intended to increase the adoption rate of natural gas vehicles in the U.S.

Authored by Jerry Fenning, the e-book outlines recommendations that stress local leadership and initiatives rather than relying on Congress to effect change. For example, one recommendation is for the public and private sectors to require third-party contractors and vendors who deliver goods and services in diesel-powered trucks to replace them with alternative-fuel vehicles, such as NGVs. Other recommendations involve shifts in the allocation of resources (such as the tripling of the current funding level for the DOE's Clean Cities program) and changes to how supporting industries are administered (e.g., national standards for fracking).

Two companion reports – ‘How America Can Stop Importing Foreign Oil’ and ‘The Fight Over Using Natural Gas for Transportation, The Antagonists’ – are also available from the Western Research Institute. The reports are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble for most e-book readers.

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