DOT Joins the Energy Department’s Workplace Charging Challenge


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is welcoming the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) as a partner in its Workplace Charging Challenge, which aims to make workplace charging for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) available to employees across the country. The challenge also supports President Barack Obama’s EV Everywhere Grand Challenge, which aims to enable the U.S. to produce PEVs that are as affordable for the average American family by 2022 as a 2012 baseline gasoline-powered vehicle.

By joining the Workplace Charging Challenge, the DOT underscores its ongoing commitment to sustainable and innovative transportation alternatives. Participation in the challenge will position the agency to launch a comprehensive workplace charging program, increase the number of PEV charging sites across its buildings nationwide, and achieve its goal of providing 500 sets of electric vehicle supply equipment by 2025.

As an official challenge partner, the DOT will receive free access to technical guidance for expanding workplace charging, such as assessing employee demand, developing internal policy, procuring charging equipment and installing charging stations.

The DOT is the first federal agency to commit to the Workplace Charging Challenge, joining more than 240 U.S. employers committed to providing PEV charging access to more than 1 million workers at hundreds of worksites around the country.

The Workplace Charging Challenge and EV Everywhere Grand Challenge are supported by the Vehicle Technologies Office in the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

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