Cryoshelter Receives EU Grant to Move LNG Tank to Market


Austria-based Cryoshelter recently won a EUR 1.7 million (about $1.9 million) grant from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program in support of the company's second-generation liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank.

Cryoshelter says the funding aims to help the company complete the required testing for full certification and commercialization of the tank. The company notes that European heavy-duty LNG truck manufacturers will be the initial and primary focus of the firm's marketing efforts.

Cryoshelter claims the tank, available in a range of sizes due to its modular design, will allow customers to choose the tank length to fit the chassis space rather than have the tank dimensions dictate the chassis space required.
Furthermore, the company says the new product lowers the tank-related total cost of ownership for truck operators by providing 30% more fuel capacity (adding 30% vehicle range) and reduced maintenance due to improved, long-term stability of the insulation vacuum.

Cryoshelter notes it will offer extended hold time options for special fleet applications. The company says these features address critical technical and economic concerns of the heavy-duty truck sector and will “revolutionize” the commercial prospects for LNG as a fuel alternative to diesel in Europe, North America and elsewhere.

Cryoshelter is now increasing its in-house talent pool in preparation for the product introduction and expansion. As such, the company currently is recruiting LNG and engineering specialists to test its tank technology and then ramp up for production and marketing.

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