County Sheriff’s Office Adds Three Electric Hybrids to Its Fleet


Montgomery County, Pa., Commissioners Josh Shapiro and Bruce L. Castor Jr., along with Sheriff Russell Bono, have unveiled three new plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) they say will significantly reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

According to a county press release, the sheriff's office will use the new Ford Fusion PHEV sedans primarily for serving civil paperwork. For instance, the office serves approximately 9,000 warrants and 48,000 court documents each year.

It is estimated that each car will save $740 per year in fuel costs, depending on usage, while collective maintenance costs are expected to be reduced by $4,800 per year. The county, which has charging stations at its courthouse garage, anticipates that the vehicles will pay for themselves in 3.7 years.

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