Clean Energy Offers $1/Gallon RNG Deal


Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has introduced ZERO NOW, a fueling solution offering renewable natural gas (RNG) for $1 per gallon for a year in California.

Heavy-duty trucks that are powered by the new Cummins Westport (CWI) ISX12N engine purchased this year will be eligible for Clean Energy’s proprietary Redeem RNG at its California stations for the $1 per gallon offer for an entire year.

Clean Energy notes that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified these engines in December at CARB’s optional Low NOx standard of 0.02 g/bhp-hr, 90% lower emissions than the current EPA NOx standard. In fact, the new engines were tested at 0.01 g/bhp-hr, achieving virtually zero tailpipe emissions. Clean Energy’s Redeem is made entirely from organic waste and is up to 70% cleaner than diesel, the company notes.

“By pairing the cleanest fuel available with the cleanest engine technology, ZERO NOW provides heavy-duty truck fleets with a true zero-emissions solution that can be easily and economically adopted today,” says Andrew Littlefair, president and CEO of Clean Energy Fuels. “At a time when the price of dirty diesel is bumping up to $3.75 a gallon in California, paying only $1 a gallon for a year for clean Redeem can go a long way to recouping the cost of a new truck. Add in the grants available in California for new clean trucks, the ZERO NOW special offer makes it a no-brainer to switch to renewable natural gas.”

Clean Energy says the program is available on a first-come, first-served basis to the first 250 qualifying trucks. These trucks can fuel with Redeem RNG at Clean Energy’s network of 23 stations throughout California. Also, Clean Energy notes it has professionals who can help customers navigate the application process for grants.

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