City of San Jose Chooses Beam Global’s EV Charging Systems


The City of San Jose in California has deployed four of Beam Global’s EV ARC solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging systems to charge city fleet EVs.

The EV ARC charging systems fit in a standard parking space and are equipped with a dual port charger to serve the city’s growing EV fleet. Each EV ARC system generates and stores its own clean electricity and delivers that electricity to power city EVs day or night, and during inclement weather and power outages. Flood-proof to 9.5 feet and wind-rated to 120 mph, the product adds to the city’s energy resiliency and disaster preparedness. The transportable but permanent unit includes the emergency power panel option for first responder use during blackouts or in locations where there is no utility connection available.

“San José has always been a visionary city when it comes to sustainability. We have a goal to operate all-electric, zero-net-carbon new municipal facilities,” says Walter Lin, public works deputy director of the City of San José. “City fleet vehicles can charge sustainably and cost-effectively with the Beam EV ARC solar electric vehicle charging systems bringing the city that much closer to achieving our clean energy future.”

Transportable, the city’s EV ARC systems can be relocated as fleet charging patterns emerge, for city events and as an emergency energy source.

Requiring no connection to the utility grid, Beam Global products eliminate disruptive construction projects, costly electric circuit upgrades and utility charges to deliver significant long-term savings to city budgets.

“By deploying 100% renewably powered Beam Global charging infrastructure solutions, San José is demonstrating its standing as a climate and resiliency leader,” states Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley. “With demand for EVs continuing to rise, municipalities in California and beyond are recognizing the cost and time savings unlocked by sustainable, transportable EV ARC systems for their rapidly growing charging needs.”

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