Canada Investing in Alt-Fuel Infrastructure, Wants EVs to Replace Limos


The Canadian Federal government has released its first budget, and among the many goals of the newly elected Liberal party is greater investment in electric vehicles (EVs) and charging infrastructure. The Canadian government will lead by example by replacing all of its limousines with EVs.

The new Canadian budget allocates C$62.5 million to National Resources Canada over two years, beginning with the 2016-2017 fiscal year, for the deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels. This includes EV charging stations, hydrogen filling stations and compressed natural gas fueling stations. The money will also be used to support more alternative fuel demonstration projects, and the federal government will work with provincial and local governments to best distribute the funds.

The Canadian government also announced its intention to replace all of its conventional limousines with EVs – a move that’s mostly symbolic. The obvious choice for an electric government limo would be the Tesla Model S sedan or Model X crossover, though the Mercedes S 500 Hybrid could also be an option if plug-in hybrids are also under consideration.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Barack Obama recently released a joint announcement seeking greater cooperation against climate change, including a provision on regulating the heavy-duty trucking industry. The province of Ontario has also upped incentives for EV buyers in an effort to put more alternative fuel vehicles on its roads.

You can read Canada’s proposed budget in its entirety here.

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