California Will Sell One In Four PEVs In The U.S. Through 2020


The state with the highest plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) sales over the remainder of this decade will be California, followed by New York, Florida, Texas and Washington, according to a new report from Pike Research.

Between 2012 and 2020, the report concludes, nearly one in every four PEVs sold in the U.S. will be sold in California.

‘PEV sales roughly correspond to population, but other factors, including demographics, socioeconomics and public policy, have a strong influence as well,” says senior research analyst Dave Hurst. “Florida, for example, the third largest market for PEVs, has 60 percent of the population of California, but by 2020, Florida will have only 25 percent the number of PEVs found in California.”

The state with the highest penetration rate of PEVs, as a percentage of total light-duty vehicle sales, will be Hawaii, where fuel costs are high and average distances driven are relatively short, according to the report.

In addition, as manufacturers launch new PEV models, the vehicles are not expected to be available equally in all areas, as original equipment manufacturers thus far have made vehicles available initially and in greater numbers in what they view as key markets before moving to nationwide rollouts.

According to the report, California, the focus of both strong green vehicle policies and accelerated manufacturer rollouts, will have four of the top 10 metropolitan areas for PEV sales: Los Angeles/Long Beach, the San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose/Santa Clara and the Sacramento area.

For more information on the report, click here.

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