California Grid Operator Updates Electric Vehicle Integration Roadmap


The California Independent System Operator Corp. (ISO) has released a revised roadmap to help streamline electric vehicle (EV) integration into the state's power grid – a critical factor, considering an existing California executive order calling for 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles to be on the state's roads by 2025.

‘Unleashing the power of aggregating electric vehicles includes creating the means for consumers to realize value that shows up in their wallets, as well as providing an energy product that aggregators can bring to wholesale power market and sell,’ says Bob Foster, chairman of the ISO board of governors.

The roadmap describes the strategies that can help lead to the implementation of technologies and policies that would support the reliable operation of the power grid in concert with a larger penetration of EVs, including smart charging and vehicle-to-grid integration. The roadmap discusses areas such as using smart charging strategies that align with grid conditions so individuals and fleet owners can keep their EV batteries full while not increasing peak load.

To access the full roadmap document, click here.

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