Anheuser Busch Settles with CARB over Diesel Truck Violations


Anheuser Busch LLC has been fined $500,000 for violating California’s air pollution laws, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has announced.

CARB launched an investigation in March 2015 and discovered that the St. Louis-based brewing company had failed to properly self-inspect 19 diesel trucks, as required by the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program, to ensure they met state smoke emission standards. In addition, CARB staff discovered that Anheuser Busch was not in compliance with the state’s Truck and Bus Regulation because the company failed to meet required compliance deadlines.

Anheuser Busch’s fleet headquarters is in San Diego.

“No business large or small has the right to shirk responsibility when it comes to proper maintenance of the trucks it uses,” says Todd Sax, CARB’s enforcement division chief. “California has some of the country’s poorest air quality, and because of this, our laws are tough to protect public health. All businesses must do their part to ensure their fleets are fully compliant with California’s anti-pollution regulations that are designed to clean our air and protect our children.”

Anheuser Busch agreed to pay a $500,000 fine and to comply with all applicable CARB programs. The company also agreed to instruct its vehicle operators to comply with California’s anti-idling regulations, ensure that staff responsible for compliance with smoke-inspection program attend training classes, and provide documentation to CARB that the smoke inspection requirements are being met for the next two years.

Of the total, $250,000 will go to the Air Pollution Control Fund to support air pollution research. The remaining $250,000 will go to the South LA Urban Greening and Community Forestry Project, where it will fund the planting of 300 trees over a five-year period in the public parkways of disadvantaged communities in South Los Angeles County.

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