Air Products Achieves Pricing Milestone for Calif. Hydrogen Stations


Air Products, a hydrogen fueling and infrastructure company, says it has achieved a pricing milestone at several California fueling stations, which are now offering hydrogen to fuel cell electric vehicle customers at under $10 per kilogram.

“There were several recent advancements we were able to make in fueling station technology and in distribution to push pricing below $10 per kilogram,” says Ed Kiczek, global business director for hydrogen energy systems for Air Products. “There has also been a marked increase in vehicles using our stations and an even greater outlook for the volume of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles to be coming to market in 2017 and 2018.”

As reported, there are currently five Air Products California hydrogen fueling stations able to provide hydrogen at this new pricing milestone. All five are supplied with hydrogen from the company’s hydrogen production and pipeline-connected facilities in Wilmington and Carson, Calif.

Specifically, the stations with the new pricing are located in West Los Angeles, Woodland Hills, Fairfax and Santa Monica, and the fifth is soon to be operational in Lawndale.

“We are always looking for ways to be cost-efficient with our fueling stations and our overall supply chain. We are very pleased to have successfully achieved a publicly stated automobile manufacturers’ challenge to be able to provide hydrogen at less than $10 per kilogram,” Kiczek says.


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