Raven SR Picks Designer and Builder for Renewable Fuels Facilities


Raven SR Inc. has selected POWER Engineers Inc. and Stellar J Corp. to complete the final design, engineering and fabrication of the company’s first commercial renewable fuels production facilities, to be located in the San Francisco Bay area. The facilities will convert a blend of green waste and food waste into green hydrogen for the commercial transportation market.

Raven SR’s first commercial systems will produce up to 10,000 kg a day of renewable hydrogen from a blend of green waste and food waste that is being diverted from landfilling, with a negative carbon intensity generating a California low carbon fuel credit (LCFS) for fueling stations. Raven SR will be using its patented Steam/CO2 Reformation process. The systems can reduce landfill waste by up to 200 tons per day, converting it to nearly 10 tons of renewable hydrogen, enough to power around 200 heavy-duty trucks or 1,250 passenger vehicles per day.

POWER Engineers will complete the final engineering and design of the units. Stellar J, a production contracting company, will be fabricating the Raven SR units for installation at the two waste and material processing sites.

The Bay Area sites will also serve as the first two hydrogen hubs in a partnership between Raven SR and Hyzon Motors Inc. to fuel the regional Hyzon fleets, and supply hydrogen for commercial fuel stations in the region. Hyzon and Raven SR previously announced the co-development of 100 of hydrogen hubs in the U.S. and internationally.

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a buch
a buch
3 years ago

How will this renewable fuels production facility be powered? Will it be solar, wind or natural gas (or another fossil fuel)? Will it be ‘REALLY GREEN’?