Eight School Buses Switch to CNG in Pennsylvania District


The Rose Tree Media School District in Media, Pa., has converted eight of its 74 diesel buses to compressed natural gas (CNG) and opened a fast-fill CNG station to fuel them.

Alexandria, Va.-based NGV Motori USA replaced the VT 365 diesel engines in the buses with its DT 466 CNG engine. The projected cost savings for the CNG project over 12 years is approximately $1 million, according to NGV Motori.

‘The CNG conversion project will certainly save the district on fuel costs, but to be honest, the administration sees the project as a conscience effort to reduce our carbon footprint,” says Jim Wigo Sr., superintendent of schools for Rose Tree Media School District. “Our bus fleet covers a million miles per year, and we expect the savings, both in dollars and emissions, to be significant.”

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