Workhorse Going At USPS for Next Generation Delivery Vehicle Contract Snub


Workhorse Group Inc. has filed a formal complaint with the United States Federal Court of Claims protesting the award of the United States Postal Service Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (USPS NGDV) contract to Oshkosh Defense, a competing finalist.

The 10-year, $482 million contract calls for Oshkosh Defense to design, produce and deliver 50,000 to 165,000 NGDVs.

Workhorse, which has developed and manufactures drone-integrated electric vehicles designed for the last-mile delivery sector, says it requested – pursuant to the bid process rules – additional information from the USPS after being informed of the agency’s decision to go with Oshkosh Defense.

In early March, Workhorse met with USPS representatives to discuss the award and further specifics of the USPS selection process – the details of which cannot be disclosed at this time.

Workhorse says it is unable to provide any further information with respect to the matter currently but will provide updates when appropriate and as permitted under its non-disclosure agreement as part of the USPS NGDV program.

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