Wejo Offers Data in EV Infrastructure Operating System Through Palantir Foundry


Wejo Group Ltd. has released availability of the electric vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Operating System, an integrated solution for new EV charger site selection and charger network management, built on and available through Palantir Foundry.

The EV application enables the integration of Wejo’s data alongside an organization’s proprietary data. The application can be deployed by government agencies, automakers, charging network operators, retailers and more.

When used with Wejo data, the new OS enables organizations to efficiently and effectively plan site placement and operate charging networks by combining real-time vehicle data with their own relevant data, ensuring all their specific needs are accounted for. Following chargepoint installation, the application’s network operations tools help maximize revenue and increase network reliability. Organizations can manage networks of chargers at scale with tooling that connects to chargers’ IoT sensor data, monitor and improve the performance of individual chargers, and more.

By providing this breadth and depth of data and context, using Wejo data in the EV Infrastructure OS helps to break down barriers that stand between wider adoption of EVs, making access more equitable in the process. The application is also designed with an open architecture and thus can serve as a foundation to uncover new workflows to generate added value, thereby enabling organizations interested in the future of mobility to capitalize at the right time.

“With Wejo data in this application, organizations all over the world will be able to unlock, visualize and understand the full picture of EV demand and customer potential within the context of their own offering and circumstances,” says Richard Barlow, CEO of Wejo. “Wejo’s billions of connected vehicle data points can highlight journey paths, fuel types and movement patterns, providing exactly what organizations need when setting up for EV operations.”

Further, the platform supports Wejo data in a manner that easily integrates with other third-party data, including that of interested organizations; for example, a retailer could prioritize stores that have high or low basket values to encourage more EV traffic around the priority market. By integrating third-party data with charging infrastructure data, users can create a picture of economic activity throughout the network. This can then provide a broader view of what can be expected in the future and drive successful, long-term investment decisions.

“Wejo’s continued commitment to enabling the future of mobility is matched only by its ever-increasing ambition,” states Shyam Sankar, Palantir’s COO. “The speed with which they are building and delivering new software products atop Palantir Foundry is enabling players along the entire mobility value chain – from automakers, to charging network operators, to regulators – to create meaningful value at a tremendous pace.”

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