Volta Releases New PredictEV Capability for States’ EV Charging Rollout


Volta Inc.’s PredictEV infrastructure planning platform now offers state and local governments the ability to precisely identify optimal charger locations and charging speeds in disadvantaged communities.

This analytical capability aligns with the federal government’s Justice40 goal, which seeks to ensure that 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments, including the $7.5 billion allocated to EV charging infrastructure under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), flow to disadvantaged communities.

Volta’s PredictEV is an advanced infrastructure planning solution that analyzes disparate data sources, including local mobility, demographic, commercial and site-specific data, to provide high-resolution answers to key EV infrastructure questions around expected EV adoption, optimal charger locations and the right mix of charging Infrastructure.

PredictEV was used by Alabama’s Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) to develop its Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan, and its insights informed Volta’s collaboration with the State of Michigan and DTE Energy. Southern Company, Southern California Edison and Tucson Electric Power also use the tool. Volta’s latest PredictEV capability includes the ability to integrate location data related to disadvantaged communities, helping all government agencies develop and finalize EV charging deployment plans that are as equitable as they are effective.

“An inclusive mobility ecosystem must be built as a resource for all communities, including those in lower-income and environmental justice-impacted areas, and our state has made a conscious effort to ensure these communities have the same mobility opportunities that other regions do,” says Trevor Pawl, Michigan’s chief mobility officer. “Thanks to the availability of disadvantaged community data, we can further optimize our EV mobility solutions to support Michigan’s residents as they move around the state.”

As part of the BIL, the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program will provide a total of $5 billion to develop and construct a national network of 500,000 EV charging stations by 2030 along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors, particularly along the Interstate Highway System. Under NEVI, each state must submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan, reflective of Justice40 goals, before funds are dispersed. All 50 states’ plans, plus D.C. and Puerto Rico, were recently approved. As states prepare to receive proposals from charging network operators, PredictEV’s latest capability can provide Departments of Transportation with critical, data-driven insight into whether proposed charger locations will maximize utilization and align with Justice40 goals.

The BIL allocates an additional $2.5 billion for the Discretionary Grant Program for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure, which prioritizes expanding access to EV charging in low and moderate-income neighborhoods, communities with a low ratio of private parking spaces, and rural areas. While the community grant program details have yet to be fully disclosed, PredictEV can help city and local governments develop EV charging plans that maximize utilization and align with Justice40 goals.

“Volta intends to ensure that every community can participate in the transition to electric mobility. PredictEV’s latest capabilities are another example of our commitment to providing our partners with data-driven electrification planning that delivers a positive economic impact while supporting equity in charging and the efficient use of taxpayer funds,” states Vince Cubbage, interim CEO at Volta. “As state and local governments finalize their strategies for deploying the first stage of NEVI funding and plan for the second wave of community grants, we look forward to furthering our Charging For All initiative through successful public-private partnerships to build a clean, more sustainable future for all.”

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