United Illuminating Utilizes Bidgely for Connecticut EV Charging Effort


United Illuminating Co. (UI), a subsidiary of AVANGRID Inc., is partnering with Bidgely to help implement the first electric vehicle (EV) managed charging program in Connecticut.

The program, established by the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), leverages both behavioral and managed charging strategies designed to shift customers’ EV loads to off-peak periods.

This effort is part of a larger collaboration between UI, the PURA and other stakeholders to develop statewide EV charging infrastructure, which will support the state’s goal of having 125,000 to 150,000 electric vehicles on roads by 2025. The Connecticut Electric Vehicle Managed Charging Program launched on January 1, 2022, with managed charging set to begin this June.

“I am excited that Bidgely is bringing their cutting-edge technology to the EV charging program in Connecticut,” says Frank Reynolds, president and CEO of UI. “Together, we can continue to put this state on the map as a leader in a clean energy future for the region.”

By applying Bidgely’s UtilityAI Platform to UI’s existing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) data, UI will be able to detect EV ownership throughout its service territory and drive participation in UI’s managed charging programs.

“As more of our customers become EV owners, we need to develop strategies that manage the impacts of wide-scale charging on the grid while giving customers choice and control,” comments Rick Rosa, AVANGRID’s EV manager. “This program incentivizes customers to charge during off-peak hours through behaviorally focused messages that encourage load shifting and direct managed charging via cutting-edge telematic technology. Bidgely provides a scalable, cost-effective solution that works for all customers while minimizing impacts to the grid from the inevitable wide-scale adoption of EVs.”

UI and Bidgely were able to effectively design a customized solution for a two-tiered approach that includes behavioral and managed charging. Bidgely’s patented technology allows UI to identify current EV owners based on usage and target them with information about how they can manage their usage and minimize costs. Customers who opt-in will receive email notifications for on-peak charging, monthly summary reports, and access to web-based activity. Equipped with this information, customers can make charging decisions best suited to their needs.

For customers who opt-in to managed charging, UI will remotely manage vehicle charging for optimal grid flexibility, which will help minimize customer costs and ensure energy supply is balanced during peak periods. Both charging groups are structured with monetary incentives for enrollment and off-peak charging.

“We applaud UI, Connecticut and their industry partners for their leadership in developing a landmark EV charging program,” states Gautam Aggarwal, chief revenue officer for Bidgely. “We are proud to be part of a collaboration that strongly demonstrates how utilities, regulators and technology providers can together drive customer value while preparing for distribution system management approaches that can support significant EV growth.”

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