U.S. Gain Brings in Five New Credit Generation Partnerships in California


U.S. Gain, a company focused on the development and distribution of alternative fuel and renewable energy, has signed five new credit generation agreements – expanding their offering of electric vehicle (EV) credit generation services to California fleets.

Positioned to handle both charger installation and maintenance while supporting and generating EV credits through California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), U.S. Gain manages the credit generation process from start to finish.

“U.S. Gain is a long-term partner of ours in the fueling and credit generation space,” says Jim Burleson, transportation director for Moreno Valley Unified School District. “By effectively managing our credits, they’ve allowed us to make decisions about our energy transition that positively impact our students, employees, and community. Our team and partnership with U.S. Gain ensures the best for our students. Receiving credits has allowed us to attract and retain industry best talent who have the safety and future of our students in their hands.”

“U.S. Gain has been generating credits under the LCFS program since its inception. To date, we’ve transacted over 82M credits when factoring in LCFS, RINS, and CFP credits,” comments Scott Hanstedt, vice president of business development at U.S. Gain. “It is a complex system to navigate which is why we have an internal compliance team managing all aspects of program registration, reporting, and auditing along with staying abreast of policy changes – ultimately allowing our partners to focus on their bottom line.”

U.S. Gain’s five new credit generation deals include Stanislaus Union School District (StanRTA). U.S. Gain currently provides RNG and LCFS credit management for StanRTA. StanRTA currently operates six Proterra buses and has eight chargers installed.

The company will provide credit generation services for Warehouse Specialists LLC’s electric lifts in their California and Oregon warehouses. It will partner on EV LCFS credit generation for Moreno Valley Unified School District’s fleet of 42 electric buses to complete their polyfuel portfolio which already includes renewable natural gas (RNG) supplied by U.S. Gain.

Royal Coach Tours, a corporate shuttle transportation service company, will receive U.S. Gain’s credit generation services for their electric bus fleet.

Pierce Joint Unified School district received a grant through PG&E’s EV Charge Schools and Parks program, which allowed them to install five public chargers for staff use. Pierce also utilizes five EV buses with charging onsite. U.S. Gain is partnering with Pierce on credit generation for both their private and public charging use cases.

With 180 lifts in California and Oregon, Central Transportation expanded their polyfuel portfolio with U.S. Venture and partnered with U.S. Gain for LCFS credit generation.

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Angela Lu
Angela Lu
1 year ago

Way to go Gain Team!