School District Puts Lion Electric Buses into Service


The Lion Electric Co. has completed the first deliveries of its all-electric school buses funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC) as part of the School Bus Replacement Program in California.

Lion delivered five zero-emission vehicles to Twin Rivers Unified School District in Sacramento, officially giving the district the largest electric school bus fleet in the country. Twin Rivers now operates seventeen Lion electric school buses.

“Twin Rivers Unified School District is honored to be among the school districts receiving electric buses from the California Energy Commission’s first School Bus Replacement Program. It is an excellent day for our students and community as we add these ten new buses to our current fleet of 25 EV buses,” says Twin Rivers Unified School District Director of Transportation, Timothy Shannon.

Five more vehicles will be heading to additional school districts all over California before year-end. Durham Unified School District and Baldwin Park Unified School District will be receiving electric buses this week.

“School buses are by far the safest way for kids to get to school. But diesel-powered buses are not safe for their developing lungs, which are particularly vulnerable to harmful air pollution. Making the transition to emission-free, electric school buses provides children and their communities with cleaner air and numerous public health benefits,” says Energy Commissioner Patty Monahan.

Lion has deployed over 250 electric school buses to date, with more than three million miles of service logged.

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