Pittsburgh Orders Ford Focus, Chevy Bolt EVs for Fossil Fuel-Free Fleet


In the wake of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords of 2015, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto issued an executive order to further promote climate control initiatives, which includes placing an order for electric cars.

According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the city purchased two Ford Focuses and two Chevrolet Bolts and installed four EV charging stations in response to the mayor’s directive to achieve a fossil fuel-free fleet by 2030.

As reported, the city plans to add up to seven EVs by year-end.

“For decades, Pittsburgh has been rebuilding its economy based on hopes for our people and our future, not on outdated fantasies about our past. The city and its many partners will continue to do the same, despite the president’s imprudent announcements yesterday,” says Peduto.

Among many initiatives, the order commits the city to the following:

  • Working with the National Climate Action Agenda and 81 other cities to undertake additional actions to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target.
  • Continue working on 2030 climate objectives, including achieving 100% renewable electricity consumption for municipal operations; a citywide zero waste initiative to divert 100% of materials from landfills; 50% energy consumption reduction city-wide; and development of a fossil fuel-free fleet.
  • Continued commitment to quantifying the impact of the city’s work in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and building a more sustainable city, through the completion of the Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan 3.0.
  • Advancing carbon neutrality objectives within the city; adopting energy-efficiency standards for buildings; electrifying the transportation system with renewable energy sources; supporting weatherization and maintenance of Pittsburgh housing stock to help elderly and vulnerable populations; and protecting and regenerating our natural environment through land conservation, park preservation and urban agriculture.
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