Oregon Rebate Program Finances About 370 New EV Charging Ports


Electric vehicle drivers in Oregon should see about 370 new public Level 2 EV charging ports in communities across the state in 2024 thanks to the first funding round from the Oregon Department of Transportation’s new Community Charging Rebates program.

The rebates program reimburses some of the project costs of buying and installing Level 2 EV chargers at multifamily homes and publicly accessible parking areas.

The program’s first funding round ran from June through October 2023 and had $1.75 million available. Every dollar of funding was awarded, the Oregon DOT says.

Facts about the awarded projects include:

  • Total projects awarded funding: 94.
  • Awarded projects in rural or disadvantaged communities: 79.
  • Oregon counties with at least one awarded project: 23.
  • Estimated total new Level 2 charging ports after all projects complete: 370.

The Oregon DOT launched the Community Charging Rebates program in June 2023. The rebates range from $4,250 to $5,500 per charging port or up to 75% of eligible project costs, whichever is less. Eligible businesses, nonprofits, public entities, tribes and multifamily home complexes may apply.

Of the first-round funding, 70% was reserved for projects in rural areas and disadvantaged communities, where gaps in public EV charging infrastructure are largest.

The department plans to launch a second funding round in early March 2024.

The Oregon DOT owes part of the program’s success to Forth, an electrification nonprofit based in Portland. It helped the department with community outreach, conducted webinars and answered questions from applicants. To learn more about the rebates program, click here.

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