New Bill Introduced in Ohio to Provide Resources for EV Adoption


As electric vehicles (EVs) become the global automotive trend for the future, State Sen. Michael Rulli (R-Salem) was joined by Clean Fuels Ohio and other state leaders at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce as he introduced the Accelerating Ohio’s Auto Industry bill.

“Passage of this aggressive, multi-part legislative package is critical to provide resources and innovation to Voltage Valley and the rest of Ohio to grow our auto industry for future generations,” states Rulli.

The bill will focus on funding for workforce training and factory retooling across the industry. It is key to ensuring that vehicles and parts continue to be made in Ohio, thereby protecting and growing Ohio jobs. The legislation encourages growth in the Ohio electric vehicle (EV) market through fleet and consumer vehicle incentives. The bill will also create a state EV task force and electrification plan. A task force operating at the state level with the right representation from the legislature, relevant state agencies, and other public and private stakeholders is best positioned to help Ohio become a leader in EV production and adoption.

In addition, the bill unlocks investment in EV charging infrastructure. For Ohio’s utilities to invest at a similar level, the state needs to update guidance to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) and establish regulatory certainty.

“The Ohio Chamber of Commerce stands in support of the Accelerating Ohio’s Auto Industry bill because it demonstrates to automakers that Ohio is serious about remaining a strong partner to the auto industry as it shifts to EV production,” says Steve Stivers, Ohio Chamber of Commerce’s president and CEO. “Our aim is to help the state secure a leadership position in EV manufacturing and employ Ohioans at well-paying jobs with ample opportunity for training and advancement,” mentions John Walsh, founder and CEO of Endera.

“At Clean Fuels Ohio, we’ve seen the shift in technology and know that Ohio is at an important crossroads,” comments Brendan Kelley, director of Drive Electric Ohio. “The decisions Ohio makes now will determine if Ohio remains an auto manufacturing state or if we take detrimental steps backward.”

Image by marcoverch is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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