Ohio Senators Endorse EV Tax Credits


According to recent reporting from The Business Journal, Ohio Senators Sean O’Brien and Michael Rulli testified on Feb. 5, 2019, in support of tax credits that could potentially encourage the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ohio.

The journal goes on to say that the senators offered sponsor testimony in the Senate Ways & Means Committee for Senate Bill 257. According to a release obtained by The Business Journal, the bipartisan bill offers a $500 sales tax credit for the purchase of one EV for personal use, a $1,000 sales tax credit for each of up to 10 EVs to be used for commercial use and a $1,500 sales tax credit for the construction of charging stations for both commercial and personal use.

“Considering the rapid advances in electric vehicles and battery technology over the past few years, it is clear that the future of automobiles is all-electric. We see an opportunity to make Ohio the electric vehicle capital of the country. Not only does our state possess the skilled workforce necessary for such an endeavor, but it also has the right infrastructure and business relationships,” The Business Journal reported O’Brien saying.

The publication says if the legislation is passed, the incentives would available to consumers for five years. Follow-up hearings are expected to take place in the coming weeks.

Read the article here.  

Photo: Ohio Senator Sean O’Brien

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