Oberon Fuels Welcomes Propane Vet Cinch Munson


Oberon Fuels, a California-based provider of renewable dimethyl ether (rDME) transportation fuels, has announced the addition of longtime propane industry exec Cinch Munson.

Joining as vice president of commercial development, Munson has more than 20 years’ experience in the propane and agribusiness sectors. Most recently, he served as senior vice president of business development for the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC).

“The synergies between rDME and the propane industry are unique, and rDME provides a remarkable pathway to not only further reduce the carbon footprint of today’s propane, but also unlock the future of hydrogen,” says Munson. “rDME is uniquely positioned to decarbonize the transportation sector and beyond.”

“Oberon Fuels is expanding on multiple fronts right now – from driving sales of rDME as a blending agent for propane users to unlocking the pathway for renewable hydrogen, and Cinch will be at the center of it all,” states Rebecca Boudreaux, CEO of Oberon Fuels. “From securing feedstock partnerships within the ag industry, to siting our next production facility to building awareness of rDME’s benefits to the global energy industry, Cinch is the perfect fit for this role.”

Prior to joining PERC, Munson spent more than a decade in the agribusiness industry, including at Mercaris, Oxbow Animal Health, Mid-Plains Center for Enterprise, AgInfoLink and Cattle-Fax.

“Cinch has been instrumental in the growth of the propane industry through his leadership at PERC, and his efforts will continue to benefit our industry,” notes Tucker Perkins, president and CEO of PERC. “We look forward to finding new opportunities for the propane industry through collaboration with Cinch and Oberon.”

In June, Oberon and the Los Alamos National Laboratory were awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for a project to scale up steam reforming technology that would produce renewable hydrogen from rDME at the point of use (e.g., a fueling station).

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