New York Governor Signs Amended Bill for Commercial Tariff on EVs


Gov. Kathy Hochul has signed amendments to Senate Bill S7836 regarding electric vehicles (EV) in the state of New York. The amendments focus on commission proceedings to create various rate structures for a commercial tariff on EVs, as well as facilitating faster charging for light duty, heavy duty and fleet EVs.

The amended copy of the bill states the following: “The commission shall evaluate the relative costs and benefits of proposed solutions, and such solutions must include, at a minimum: (a) technology-agnostic solutions so long as such solutions would not have the effect of discouraging innovation; (b) mechanisms to enable customers with fast electric vehicle charging for eligible light duty, heavy duty, and fleet electric as their largest source of energy demand to opt into solutions without unreasonable delay; (c) solutions for both existing and new customers; (d) mechanisms that would provide cost relief for customers during each combination gas and electric corporation monthly billing period; and (e) combination gas and electric corporation service territory-specific solutions.

“The commission shall, no later than one year after the effective date of this section, after notice and public comment, including input from diverse stakeholders, regarding a proposal made by the department, issue an order approving or modifying such proposal.

“The commission shall, no sooner than eighteen months of the date of such order, and periodically thereafter, review tariffs and other solutions implemented in accordance with this section, for the purpose of determining whether additional or other relief should be afforded to customers, or other changes to any tariffs or other solutions are necessary.

“Each combination gas and electric corporation shall, within sixty days of the order issued pursuant to subdivision three of this section, file an application with the commission to provide a tariff or implement other solutions pursuant to the order under this section and shall periodically report to the commission, on a form prescribed by the commission, the following information: (a) the number of customers who have arranged to have electricity delivered under the tariff or other solutions; (b) the total amount of electricity delivered under the tariff or other solutions; and (c) such other information as the commission shall require.

“Within sixty days of commission approval of a combination gas and electric corporation’s application filed under this section, such combination gas and electric corporation shall make any tariff or other operating cost relief mechanisms available to customers.”

Read the full amended bill here.

Image: Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

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