Natural Gas Vehicle Industry Stakeholders to Lobby Congress in April


NGVAmerica is hosting the 2023 Spring Fly-In Advocacy Days event on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 18-19 in Washington, D.C., in an effort to throw support behind natural gas vehicle and refueling priorities.

Beginning Tuesday midday and concluding Wednesday evening, participants will be meeting with and hearing from members of Congress, their staffs and officials from the U.S. Departments of Energy, Transportation and Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Legislative priorities such as the $1.00/gallon Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Fuel Tax Credit, expanding natural gas refueling infrastructure, emissions regulations, and federal transit funding will be covered.

Group sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning will be held at the American Gas Association conference center at NGVAmerica’s Capitol Hill offices, at 400 North Capitol Street NW. Registrants will visit congressional offices during the day on Wednesday. The two-day sessions will be capped by a networking reception Wednesday evening back at AGA.

Registration and event information can be found here.

Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

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Stephen B Lund
Stephen B Lund
2 years ago

Hoping that Congress can be educated in the environmentally friendly aspects of RNG. Every molecule of methane in RNG is a molecule of methane not released into the atmosphere. The resulting RNG is the cleanest fuel to be used in an Internal Combustion Engine. Total Electricity for heavy duty over the road trucks will be a disaster. No range, long charging times, environmental damage from the mining of lithium for batteries. It isn’t Rocket Science.