NACFE Claims Regional Trucking is Suited for Electrification


Through its extensive work on regional haul and electric trucks, the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE) says it has determined that regional trucking operations are well suited to be early adopters of electric trucks.  

It is also a rather large segment of the market with sufficient scale to have a big impact on the industry. As a result, NACFE will be focusing much of its attention on electric trucks in regional haul. Early workstreams include:

  • Identifying high-potential regional trucking routes in concert with changes to freight movement.
  • Supporting the implementation of initial and future deployments outside of California.
  • Scaling best practices in infrastructure development for fleets and communities.
  • Increasing confidence in the value of electrification.

“Our research has shown us that regional haul is an important segment of the trucking industry and also one that makes sense for electrification, given its short-haul nature and return-to-base operation,” says Mike Roeth, executive director for NACFE. 

Specific activities for 2020 will include data analysis, interviews with key stakeholders, collaboration workshops and publishing findings in order to share learnings with all interested stakeholders. This work will build on NACFE’s existing work in this area, including Run on Less Regional, its thought-leadership piece on regional haul, and its Guidance Report series on electric trucks.

“We need people to engage with us by attending our workshops, sharing their knowledge about regional haul and electric trucks, or by helping fund this critical work,” adds Roeth. 

Photo: NACFE’s focus on regional haul electric trucks

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