MTD Awards New Flyer Contract for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses


New Flyer of America Inc. says the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD) has awarded New Flyer a contract for two zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell electric 60-foot Xcelsior CHARGE H2 heavy-duty transit buses.

Driven by a mission of greater mobility, MTD is the first in the nation to commercially order 60-foot zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell buses. The purchase, supported by the Center for Transportation and the Environment, continues to support MTD’s 2014 strategic plan, which includes a goal to deliver high-quality transportation services that are safe, reliable, environmentally responsible and user-friendly. 

Since 1993, New Flyer has delivered 175 buses to MTD. Today, MTD’s fleet is 85% hybrid.

The Xcelsior CHARGE H2 bus is a battery-electric vehicle using compressed hydrogen as a fuel source, as well as Ballard Power Systems fuel cell technology. Fuel cell electric technology complements battery-electric propulsion with the ability to provide an extended range of fully zero-emissions operations.

MTD is the public transportation provider in the Champaign, Urbana and Savoy regions of Illinois, also serving the University of Illinois. It delivers nearly 12 million rides per year through a full range of mobility services including bus service, ADA paratransit service, rural service, half-fare cab, MCORE, the Illinois Terminal and efforts to encourage walking, biking and ride-sharing.

New Flyer manufactures the Xcelsior CHARGE H2 in 40- and 60-foot lengths. Built on the Xcelsior platform, it utilizes the same electric propulsion system as the Xcelsior CHARGE battery-electric bus, featuring Siemens and ZF components. 

Photo: Schematic layouts for the Xcelsior CHARGE H2 heavy-duty transit buses in 40- and 60-foot lengths

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